Thinking about getting laser hair removal? Wondering if it’s worth the money and time? Well, you’re not alone. Getting a procedure like laser hair removal can be an intimidating prospect for many people. But rest assured, it’s a very worthwhile one. Laser hair removal is an excellent way to remove unwanted body hair. It also comes with numerous benefits that make it well worth your time and money. Read on to learn more about how laser hair removal benefits you.
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a hair removal technique that uses a laser to break the hair’s growth cycle. This causes the hair to fall out naturally without having to shave, wax, or pluck it. The procedure is also known as phototherapy. It uses a type of light called photocoagulation that doesn’t harm the surrounding skin. Instead, it targets striking a balance between removing hair and not damaging the skin. There are several types of laser treatments. The hair removal laser is a type of intense pulsed light (IPL) that targets melanin. This is the pigment found in hair, skin, and eyes. The laser hair removal procedure is fast, non-invasive, and has very few side effects. The laser energy targets pigmented hair. But it doesn’t damage the surrounding skin. Because of this, fewer treatments are needed than with traditional hair removal methods.
How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
Laser hair removal works by using light to destroy the root of the hair follicle so that it can’t grow back. The laser emits pulses of light with a wavelength between 1200 and 1400 nanometers. Hair has a high melanin content, so it absorbs this wavelength of light and is destroyed. The procedure causes some hair follicles to go into accelerated regression. This means they shut down and stop growing. Other follicles are depleted of their pigmentation. Growing new hair is almost impossible in these follicles because they don’t have the melanin to start the growth cycle again. Hair removal lasers use selective photothermolysis, which means they target only the melanin in the hair. This leaves the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, unharmed. So, the procedure is less painful and leaves less scarring than other hair removal methods such as waxing and electrolysis. Hair removal lasers use IPL technology. This stands for Intense Pulsed Light, which is also known as photodynamic therapy. IPLs use light energy to cause a chemical reaction in the hair follicle. This kills the root follicle and stops the hair from growing back.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is the most effective and long-lasting method of removing unwanted hair. It is also very safe and is performed in a medical setting by a trained professional. Here are some of the many benefits. Permanent Hair Removal – Laser hair removal is an effective and long-lasting hair removal technique. It works by destroying the hair follicle so that the hair cannot grow back. This means you can permanently remove hair from your body by getting hair removal treatments done every few months. Less Painful – Compared to electrolysis and waxing, laser hair removal is less painful. Again, this is because the laser targets only the hair and not the surrounding skin. This makes it a suitable option for people with sensitive skin or lots of hair. Less Expensive – While laser hair removal is a one-off cost, shaving, waxing, and other methods are recurring expenses. Laser hair removal is also a one-off cost, but the benefits will last for years. So, it’s a much more cost-effective option in the long run. Fewer Scars – Compared to electrolysis, laser hair removal leaves fewer scars. Again, this is because the laser targets only the hair and not the surrounding skin. No matter where on the body you want to get rid of hair, laser hair removal is a suitable option.
Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal
The main side effect of laser hair removal is that it hurts. The laser passes near the surface of the skin, where it absorbs the melanin in the hair follicles. That is what causes the pain. During the procedure, you’ll feel a stinging sensation. You may also experience redness, swelling, and tingling in the treated area. These are all normal side effects that subside quickly. Some people get a rash or blister around the hair follicles. This is known as folliculitis. It usually happens when the laser is too close to the skin or when the person has sensitive skin. You can prevent folliculitis by making sure the laser is at the correct distance from your body. Many laser hair removal treatments come with cooling gels or creams that ease the pain. So, you can ease the discomfort by using these.
How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost?
The cost of laser hair removal varies depending on the area of the body you want to treat. Below are the average costs of various types of laser hair removal. – Full Face: $450 – $650 – Underarms: $150 – $450 – Legs: $150 – $400 – Bikini: $250 – $500 – Full Body: $3000 – $10,000 Laser hair removal is a one-off investment. It is a more cost-effective option compared to other hair removal methods like shaving, waxing, and electrolysis. The amount you pay for laser hair removal will depend on the size and location of the body part you want to be treated. The size of the area determines how many treatments you need. It also determines the cost of the treatments. Laser hair removal treatments are performed every few months. So, you’ll need to budget for multiple sessions. Laser hair removal is not a quick procedure. Expect to spend a few hours in the clinic for each treatment. You can expect to spend between two and five hours at each session.